Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. (12-14 pages) – ECONOMETRICS RESEARCH REPORT (Using SPSS)

You need to do three thing:

1) Input the Data

2) Create the graph (Using SPSS – Scatter plot)

3) Analysis the result



The Research Report will provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their comprehension of the all the concepts of econometric analysis and report writing covered in the course.

  • Seemingly, the minimum parameters for an average quality Report would be 12-14 pages of results and analysis.
  • Students will produce a written Research Report which relates their work with the dataset which their group was assigned.
  • An excellent report will:

    1. Report statistical results.

    2. Explain the significance and credibility of these results.

    3. Relate the limitations of the results.

    4. Execute some possible corrections, and report those results.

    PART I. Standard Portion.

    The Report will contain a Standard Portion where each group will estimate the same model using the Ordinary Least Squares Regression technique which we have studied.

    1. For the Standard Portion use the Democratic Presidential Vote Percentage in 2008 (Obama Vote Share) (#197 in dataset) as the dependent variable.

    2. Against this y variable regress the following list of independent variables (all in a single model specification):

    a) Median Hosing Value (#91 in dataset)

    b) Violent Crime Rate (#46 in dataset)

    c) Education, BA degree or more percentage (#51 in dataset)

    d) Poverty Rate (#59 in dataset)

    e) Population Density (#4 in dataset)

    f) Population (#2 in dataset)

    g) Unemployment Rate (#100 in dataset)

    3. Answer these questions:

    a) Can you explain/predict the y variable using the x variables listed?

    b) Is this a strong or weak result statistically? Explain.

    c) Which x variables are the best predictors?

    d) Does the result make sense? Explain.

    PART II. Your Own Model (PENNSYLVANIA)

    After the Standard Portion, each group is free to build its own model, selecting whatever dependent variable and set of independent variables.

    An excellent Report in Part II will:

    Data Set


    Set 1: Adams County PENNS (index=1) through Pike County PENNS (index=52)

    Set 2: Potter County PENNS (index=53) through Spartanburg County SC (index=114)

    Set 3: Sumter County SC (index=115) through Todd County SD (index=178)

    Set 4: Tripp County SD (index=179) through Ziebach County SD (index=184)

    1. Build and report on a basic model using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analysis.

    2. Explain in detail how credible are the results.

    3. Explain any important weaknesses or criticisms of that basic model.

    4. Suggest some modifications and corrections; explain what each offer in econometric terms.

    5. Run at least two more OLS specifications which attempt to improve upon the information generated in your basic model.

    6. Report and explain these results.

    PART III. Appendix.

    Please include the summary statistics of all of the variables you use in your Report.

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