Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Market Structures

This is a discussion questions, not a paper, per se. Cite all work.

Indicate whether the following characteristics represent perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, or more than one market structure.

Explain why in a few words. Begin indicating the market structure (it could be one or more than one)

Note: if there is more than one answer wrong, you have an U.

1. More than 10 different products.

2. More than 10 sellers.

3. Competitors competing by price.

4. Competitors that tell the customers that their products are better.

5. Easy entry and exit in the market

6. Only three sellers with different products.

7. Only three sellers with the same product.

8. An electricity company that sells in a market that is not regulated.

9. An airline that can charge different prices to different customers for the same kind of seats

Economics Homework Help

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