Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. 2 page Introduction and 2 page literature review (Single Spaced)

The impact of interracial families and single-race families on person’s educational attainment and income ==>Topic

Person’s educational attainment = Intercept +Multiple Race Identification (X1) +State dummy(X2) +Year dummy (X3) + Error

Person’s income = Intercept +Multiple Race Identification (X1) +State dummy(X2) +Year dummy (X3) + Error

Should cover these points

Introduction (what question you wish to answer (X affects Y)? what others have done on this and main conclusion? What is new about your paper?)

(2) Literature Review (one paragraph per concept, multiple papers under the same concept. All paragraphs lead to the understanding of the question you asked in the intro. All high quality relevant papers should be discussed, but not in length.)

Economics Homework Help

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