Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Macroeconomics, economics homework help

Directions: The assignment grade will be based on two criteria: content and how well you follow the format. I am willing to be rather flexible as to the content of the parer. whatever the topic you choose needs to be about macroeconomics. You can write about a person from econ history, past or present; a current or past event; a concept or institution; a policy issue; a “school of thought”; and etc etc. The grading will be as follows: 20 points for content; 10 points for the format; 30 total.

Format Directions:
typed (black ink)
12 font
two pages—minimum (about 500 words)
double spaced
normal margins
at least two references—internet is okay
references listed on separate (last) page; (footnotes are not necessary)
no cover page
no binders etc—staple, upper left corner is sufficient
in own words (there are websites where this can be verified—they’re free & I
use them)

and, your paper should have a conclusion

and proof-read^10

and, Wikipedia: caveat emptor

Economics Homework Help

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