Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. In Chapter 3 the approach of how Mars Incorporated used to implement ERM is presented, and in chapter 5 the approach of the University of California Health System’s ERM development is presented. Desc

In Chapter 3  the approach of how Mars Incorporated used to implement ERM is presented, and in chapter 5 the approach of the University of California Health System’s ERM development is presented.

Describe in what ways the two organization’s approaches to ERM are similar. Also, how are they different. Pick one aspect of each ERM implementation from which the other organization would benefit and explain why.

P.S:  This is not a formal paper, its just an informal discussion. NO references and citations required.  Answer  in own words. NO direct statements from other articles/journals. Minimum 300 words. Need two different copies (answers).

Text Book – Implementing Enterprise Risk MgmtCase Studies and Best Practices

Computer Science Homework Help

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