Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. ITEC 6040 Walden University Week 5 Process Modeling Discussion

I’m working on a computer science discussion question and need support to help me study.

Discussion: Process Modeling

If you expect to build a system that meets an organizational goal, you must understand the activities of the business that support that goal. For example, if your system is to handle student registration, you must know which departments are involved and what activities they perform in the process. Process modeling enables you to take these questions into account. It communicates your understanding of the system requirements within the context of the entire organization.

In this Discussion, you examine the importance of business process modeling for the organization and within your role as a systems analyst.

To prepare:

  • Review this week’s resources.
  • Identify a specific IT case you are familiar with or have researched.


Briefly describe the case you identified, and then provide an analysis in which you:

  • Explain the benefits of modeling processes for this case:
    • for the user,
    • for the IT team,
    • for the organization, and
    • for you as the systems analyst.
  • Support your explanation with references in APA7.

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