Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Week 8 ICD Portion Tables Computer Science Project

I’m working on a computer science project and need support to help me learn.

Most the work is already done I need some assistance in completing my portion of a Group Project. Me and another person are doing the ICD portion and I got tasked to create 3 tables for saving flights, saving a manifest, and saving a user.

I have attached the rubric for the Test plan and ICD, ICD PDF that gives you an explanation of how to create the tables, ICD group 4 word document which is the work that was completed so far and if for your reference.Any two communicating classes must have an ICD

ICD must list data types, range of values and default values.

This is all that I got tasked to do:

From Kenneth,

So I got tables for retrieving users, flights, and the manifest (partially). David if you wanna take those and reverse them for saving/updating that would work. We need “tables” for saving flights, saving a manifest, saving a user

Computer Science Homework Help

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