Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. CS 272 USF Argument Map Hashmap Exercise


Create a class to parse command-line arguments and store them in a map. For example, consider the following command-line arguments: “-max”, “false”, “-min”, “0”, “-min”, “-10”, “hello”, “-debug”, “-f”, “output.txt”, “-verbose”

In this case, -max -min -debug -f and -verbose are all flags since they start with a - dash followed by at least 1 letter character. The values are false 0 hello and output.txt since they do not start with a - and letter character.

Note that -10 is not a flag because the - dash is followed by a digit character. Instead it should be interpreted as a value representing a negative number.

Not all flags have values, not all values have associated flags, and values will be overwritten if there are repeated flags. For example, flag -max has value false. Flag -min has initial value 0, but the value get replaced by the second occurrence of the -min flag with the value -10 instead. The value hello has no associated flag and is ignored. The flags -debug and -verbose have no associated value, but are still stored.

This is the homework assignment (please read): HW SPECS

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