Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. IT infrastructure of a relevant information system (IS)/ information technology (IT)

Assignment Details

The project involves studying the IT infrastructure of a relevant information system (IS)/ information technology (IT) used by selecting any organization of your choice locally or internationally

The idea is to investigate the selected organization using the main components of IT (Hardware, software, services, data management and networking). Infrastructure Investigation, which is in a selected industry, should be carried out by using articles, websites, books and journal papers and /or interviews. In the report, you are expected to discuss:

Project Report Structure: Part 1

Submission: End of week 6 Saturday 16/10/2021Marks: 10

  • Table of Contents (0.5 mark).Make sure the table of contents contains and corresponds to the headings in the text, figures, and tables.
  • Executive Summary (1 marks).What does the assignment about, briefly explain the distinct features
  • Organizational Profile (1.5 marks).Brief background of the business including organization details, purpose, and organizational structure.
  • Strategies (3 marks).Discuss different types of strategies for competitive advantages and then select and discuss the most appropriate strategies to improve the performance of the organization.
  • Technology Involved (4 marks).How is the organization set up in terms of its IT infrastructure? Discuss the hardware, software, telecommunication, information security, networks, and other elements.

Hint: You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and its related to your selected organization

Hint: You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and its related to your selected organization

Guidelines for the assignment:

  • Use font Times New Roman, 12 font sizes.
  • Use 1.5 line spacing with adjust to all paragraphs (alignment).
  • Use the footer function to insert page number.
  • Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project and references.
  • The minimum number of required references is 5.
  • You must check the spelling and grammar mistakes before submitting the assignment.
  • Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of assignment. Structure includes these elements paper style, free of spelling and grammar mistakes, referencing and word count.
  • Assignment must be in Word format only NO PDF.
  • Project length must be between 1000 to 1500 words.

Computer Science Homework Help

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