Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. C++ Programming Help (Loops)–Big Question

This is a big question I need help with. Please follow these instructions very carefully. This is a beginner C++ class, so I’d rather not have very complex stuff in there. Please ask me if you have questions on anything, I’m pretty quick to answer. Thanks !



Your goal for this assignment is to exercise your knowledge of selection statements (if/else), looping constructs (while and for) and the use of rand(). Your game must adhere to the following interaction example.

Hold onto your pants, we’re about to play guess-the-numbah!
Pick a number between 0 and 100: 20
Too low! Not even close!
Pick a number between 0 and 100: 75
Too high!
Pick a number between 0 and 100: 63
Too low! Oooh you’re close!
Pick a number between 0 and 100: 64
That’s right! You won the game in 4 tries.

Your game must use a random number between 0 and 100, inclusively. You should only accept guesses that are within the range [0100], showing an error message otherwise. Your game must print “Too low!” or “Too high!” relative to the target number and the players’ guess. Your game must print “Oooh you’re close!” if the number guessed differs from the target by 2 or less; and it must print “Not even close!” if the number guessed differs from the target by a value of 20 or more.

For example, if the target is 50 and the player enters 10, your program should print “Too low!” and “Not even close!”, but if the player enters 52, your program should print “Too high!” and “Oooh you’re close!”. When the correct number is guessed, your program must print “You won the game in N tries” where N is the number of guesses the player made.


  • Define appropriate constants for the LOW (=0) and HIGH (=100) limits of the game.
  • Also, define appropriate constants for the TOO_CLOSE_DIFFERENCE (=2) and TOO_HIGH_DIFFERENCE (=20) values.
  • As a reminder, typically code that validates user input uses the do-while statement.
  • Define a variable to count the number of valid guesses.

Computer Science Homework Help

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