Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Connectivity Media

Connectivity Media

Prior to beginning work on this interactive assignment read Chapter 3 in the textbook, and review any relevant information in this week’s lecture. For your initial post, you will be revisiting the scenario you originally encountered in the Week Two interactive assignment. (It is highly recommended you review the original scenario.) The company has been growing. It now has 50 employees in another building across the street, plus an additional branch location with 25 employees in a city located 500 miles away and does not currently have connectivity between the locations. They have contracted you to create a diagram for a connectivity solution.

Connecting devices and locations can be done through a variety of media. Begin with the diagram you created in the Week Two interactive assignment as your reference point. In a separate document, create a new connectivity diagram that connects the company’s network devices and locations. The diagram must illustrate the connectivity solution you believe will address the company’s additional requirements. (Note that your new diagram will be completely different from the diagram presented in Week Two.) Save your diagram document and attach it to your initial post. Within the body of your initial post provide an evaluation of the various networking media options for the company, and explain how each type could be used to connect the company’s resources in and between the three locations. Support your recommendations with evidence from the text and/or additional credible sources.

Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words.

links: Curvature. (2014, October 20). Network maintenance myths busted. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Retrieved from…

Sophos. (2015). Top 5 threat protection best practices (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Retrieved from

White, C. (2016). Data communications and networks: A business user’s approach (8th ed.). Retrieved from

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