Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. professional research report

This is to work on a research project that’s divided into phases as shown below and in the attached requirements file. The project timing will be extended upon delivering each phase (further requirements and explanation will be provided later on each phase)

– Phases 1+2+3 (Needed to be delivered by maximum 3 days from now)

– Phase 4 (Needed to be delivered by maximum of 3 days after delivering phases 1+2+3)

– Phase 5 (Needed to be delivered by maximum of 4 days after delivering phase 4)

– Phase 6 (Needed to be delivered by maximum of 4 days after delivering phases 5)


Specifications on Phase 1: full requirements can be found on the attached file. The topic needs to be either 1. “Phishing Detection” or 2. “Visual-Based Phishing Detection” choose the topic that you feel that you can complete the research and find the needed resources easily.


Specifications on Phase 2:

-choose initial 45-50 references (such as academic journals & books & etc) for the research (preferred to be published on 2017 and later, and preferred to be cited on ISI “Web of Science” (I can help you in downloading references that are not available for free in the internet))

-create a folder and upload all the references

-create an excel sheet and cite all the chosen references, and next to each cited reference create a link to the reference in the same folder “SM”


Specifications on Phase 3: this phase is conduct an evaluation on the chosen initial references list 45-50, and to choose 27-30 from that list based on the conducted evaluation (full requirements and guidance can be found on the attached file)

-in the same created excel sheet, you’ll need to create a new tab to conduct the evaluation for the initial chosen list. In this tab you’ll list all references names in the rows, and columns for the evaluation criteria and score. For scoring, use a scale 0 or 1 or 2 to make the evaluation easier where 0 is too bad & 2 very good and meet the requirements.

-now after conducting the evaluation, you’ll choose 27-30 from the list based on the conducted evaluation and score. This can be done by calculating the final evaluation score for each reference and accept only references that score 80% or more (for example if you use the scale 0-2 and you have 5 criteria to evaluate from, then if the reference get a score of 8 out of 10 will be accepted)

-After choosing the accepted and rejected references, you’ll go back to the first tab in the excel sheet (where you have all references and links to sources) and add links to the evaluation tab and the status of the reference weather accepted or rejected.

Computer Science Homework Help

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