Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. machine learning hw

  1. Exercise 1 (15 points): change the conditions of the problem to the following:
                D   	P(D)	
    	  Positive   Negative
    Cancer	0.98	  0.02
    ¬Cancer	0.03	  0.97
    h member of H   (the prior probability)	
    P(Cancer)	   0.008	
    P(¬Cancer)	   0.992
  2. Exercise 4 (15 points): change the conditions of the problem to:
    Lambda[1,2] = 15, Lambda[2,1] = 10.
    How does the rule change of we add a third action of reject with Lambda =.85?
  3. Exercise 6 (15 points)
  4. Exercuse 7 (40 points): change the conditions:
    Transation  Items in basket
    1           milk, bananas, chocolate, ice cream
    2           milk, chocolate, ice cream
    3           milk, bananas, cereal
    4           chocolate
    5           ice cream
    6           milk, cereal
    7           cereal
    8           yogurt, cereal
  5. Exercise 10 (15 points)

Computer Science Homework Help

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