Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. UKNA9 MN- Digital forensic

Digital Forensics in Practice

1- tool’s which we need to use are encase or autopsy

2-evidence file, on which we need to investigate.. Please check attached file

The forensic image for use in this assessment can be downloaded using this link:

3- task 1 is for 2000 words, we need to investigate about findings and write methodology which is expert witness report

4- task 2 contemporaneous notes might be 1000 to 1200 words and it should be explained in brief as chain of custody, it should be done in casenote professional tool it is mentioned in Assignment brief…

Use encase tool andtask 2 should be mentioned in appendix using casenote professional tool

You are expected to use appropriate peer reviewed sources for developing your arguments and the Harvard referencing style as per the University regulations.

Submission Requirements:


The final portfolio report is an academic report and as such the following report structure is


• Cover Page

o Module code

o Module title

o ID number (the submission MUST be anonymous)

o Month and year, e.g. April 2020

• Task 1

• References

• Appendixes

o Task 2

Your report should be prepared as follows:

• The same font should be used throughout. We would prefer you to use 12-point Times,

though any reasonable alternative (such as Arial) will be accepted.

• Lines should be single-spaced, with between 1/2 a line and a whole line of extra space

after each paragraph.


• Margins: at least 20mm left and right; 25mm top and bottom.

Assignment Brief:

Digital Forensics in Practice

This is an individual assessment and carries 60% of the overall module assessment.

In this assignment will allow you to adapt digital forensic practices to multiple contexts and

assess your understanding in conducting digital evidence in terms of collection and acquisition

and the analysis and evaluation of digital evidence for reporting in a forensically sound manner.

It will assess your theoretical and methodological approaches to the digital forensic investigation

(LO4, LO5, LO6).

Task 1:

You are required to carry out a forensic examination of the evidence file that you have been

supplied with and forensically examine its contents. You will need to produce an expert witness

report that describes the formal investigation methodology that you followed and presents your

findings. It is therefore essential that you follow a formal investigation procedure.

You will have to describe in detail the methodology that you followed in order to analyse the

evidence file. You will have to identify and describe the procedures for all the different phases of

your investigation including the tools you used for the analysis.

Your findings should be presented in a factual way, following the guidelines that were discussed

in class. Your findings should include any relevant information that was discovered during your

investigation. You should illustrate your analysis with screen dumps of the tools you used as


Your expert witness report should be no more than 2000 words.

Task 2:

You also need to produce contemporaneous notes that reflect the work you have undertaken

and justify how you maintained the chain of custody. It is advisable you make use of a specialist

tool to securely record your digital notes. Your contemporaneous notes should be submitted as

an Appendix to the expert witness report and there is no word count for the notes.

You are expected to demonstrate an insight into the implications of the problem introduced in

each task by using clear and concise arguments. The reports should be well written (and word-

processed), showing good skills in creativity and design. Sentences should be of an appropriate

length and the writing style should be brief but informative.

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