Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. IT Consultant

Baxter’s Ticket Sales is a small sports-ticketing venue. The company has decided to move to a new location in a neighboring community to take advantage of lower sales and property taxes. A network must be developed in the new building. There are 10 workers in one large room who each use a desktop computer to facilitate sales. There is an office staffed by two people who each need their own desktop computers. Additionally, the “mail room” requires another computer for the staff to access the database and fulfill orders. The project will need to include the development of the topology, network security, connection to the Internet, etc. You have been hired as the IT consultant and prepared a project proposal for the network.

Your client – which you chose from the scenarios above – has accepted your proposal but has since requested a change. This may be a change in scope, time, cost, resources, or even a suggestion relating to design or implementation. Since this is not a “real” project, you will invent the client’s request. This presentation is your professional effort in convincing your client that your original plan is better than his/her suggestion.

Your presentation must be comprised of the following eight slides and content. Write your note on the note section of the slide

  1. Cover slide Include at least the project name and your name.
  2. Give a brief overview of the project.
  3. Give an overview of the client’s suggestion for change. Do not include your opinion on this slide.
  4. Show pros and cons of client’s suggestion for change – use bulleted lists.
  5. Show pros and cons of Consultant’s original idea – use bulleted lists. This must be focused only on the part of the project that the client has targeted for suggested change.
  6. Highlight the most important Pros for the Consultant’s idea through illustration (a chart, graph, diagram, wireframe, or other relevant image).

You have the option for an additional slide at this point to show a second illustration; if you decide to do this, you must include audio on this slide as well, and both illustration slides would fulfill the same part of the rubric as one entity.

  1. Reiterate your stance that the original idea is in the best interest of the client and the project; request approval to remain with the original idea.
  2. Consultant contact information. Include at least your name, email, and phone number. It is acceptable to invent a phone number if you are uncomfortable sharing it with your professor.

Computer Science Homework Help

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