Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. web design

Website Design

Throughout the course, you will be working on designing a small website for a fictitious organization. As mentioned in the Required Unit Resources, a programmer must establish the goals, vision, audience, and wireframes before writing any syntax.

For this unit’s assignment, think of an organization that needs a website (or one that needs one to be modified). This does not have to be a real client. In a Microsoft Word document, address the questions below.

  1. What is the name of the organization?
  2. Does the organization have a current website, or is this going to be a new website?
  3. What should the website do and promote?
  4. What are the characteristics of the end-user, and who is the intended audience?
  5. Will the website have any competitors? If so, what do these sites look like?
  6. Using a vector graphics application (e.g., Drawing application in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice), create a website frame (for the entire website) and a webpage frame (for only one page).

Computer Science Homework Help

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