Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Cyber Security Question

Engage is MU’s social media platform enables the university community to find organizations and events on the university campus. The platform has numerous tools for interacting with members within organizations as well as tracking the level of engagement or involvement of members within various campus groups. This platform is found on MU’s portal or Below is a screen shot of the home page.

The platform was several features:

Discovering and joining new student organizations & discussions on campus

Discovering and attending events on campus

Tracking involvement in activities and membership in organizations on campus


The project has component: a test-case report

a) Report

Prepare a test-case report on any features of your choice which are in Engage. The test case report, which should be at least 8 pages, should have the following:

An introduction describing the purpose of Engagein MU community as well as the features that your report will consider for testing. In the introduction, the last paragraph should describe the structure of your test-case report.

A description of the test environment for conducting the tests

The types of software tests you will consider and their purpose

10 Test cases (use the template below for each test case)

Exit Criteria – conditions that must be fulfilled to successfully conclude the testing cycle or exercise.


Test Case Name

Test Case ID

Type of Test

Test Scenario

Test Data

Expected Result

Entry Criteria

Description of the components in the above the test case template:

Test case # – since you are required to have 10 test cases for each template, just use running numbers e.g. 1 if you are working on the first test case and so forth

Test case name – state the name of the test case e.g. login with MU ID and password, etc

Type of test case – this should be either functional or nonfunctional requirement. You will need to figure this out for each test case since you can now differentiate between functional and non-functional requirements. First start with the functional requirements and then conclude with non-functional requirements.

Test scenario – a list of logical steps that you will perform when conducting each test.

Test data – data that will be used to test the application. For password related data, please do not use your actual passwords or usernames – make up something for purposes of this project. Also don’t use actual personally identically information like phone numbers, addresses, etc.

Expected result – expected behavior or outcome when that test is performed.

Entry Criteria – conditions that must exist for the test to be conducted e.g. the availability of internet to conduct the test for the login interface, etc. You can add additional conditions.


Project Report (50pts)

a) Project name & clear project description name (5 pts)

b) Test environment clearly described (5 pts)

c) Clear description of software tests types considered (5 pts)

d) 10 Test cases are complete and clearly defined (30 pts)

e) Exit criteria is well defined (5 pts)

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