Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. software code Building Your First App, computer science homework help

  1. In a browser navigate to the Android Developers site “Building Your First App
  2. Right-click/Translate the page to English (you may have to do this for every page)
  3. Complete “Building a Simple User Interface” and “Starting Another Activity” in Android Studio — you can reuse your project from Week 1
  4. Do not just do the steps, read the pages — this content provides valuable information about how Android Studio works
  5. When you create a new project, make sure you note where the project is stored
  6. You can skip the command line steps, but they are good to know
  7. Edit the Gradle Scripts/build.grade (Module: app) file by changing the minSdkVersion to 21
  8. You will be prompted to do a Project sync; click the “Sync Now” link
  9. Open the Gradle Console (bottom right)
  10. After the sync completes (you’ll see ‘Build Successful’ in Gradle Console), select Build/Rebuild
  11. Select Run/Run ‘app’ to test your application
  12. After you have completed the tutorials, find the main project folderapp subfolder
  13. Make a new folder and in the new folder and
    1. Name the folder for your last name and assignment
    2. Add the src folder from your project
    3. Add the buildoutputsapkapp-debug.apk file (this is your project executable file)
    4. Zip the folder
  14. Attach the zip file to this assignment’s link

Computer Science Homework Help

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