Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Buffer Overflow

(Buffer overflow)


The “Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures” (CVE) is a list of cybersecurity vulnerabilities that have been discovered, and they are collected in a database for everyone to see and improve or patch their software.


  • [10 pts] Search for, and identify the website that hosts the CVEs
  • [10 pts] Identify the total number of CVE entries as of now
  • [10 pts] How many CVE entries contain (or are relevant to) buffer overflow?
  • [10 pts] Which is the CVE-ID and the name of the software with buffer overflow vulnerability that was the most recent entry in the CVE list?
  • [10 pts] When was the most recent buffer overflow vulnerability posted in the CVE database?
  • Search the web, library, etc. and provide an example of a buffer overflow as follows:
    • [10 pts] Write the code that contains the buffer overflow and number each line (1, 2, 3, etc.)
    • [20 pts] Explain how the buffer overflow occurs in the code and on which line(s)
    • [15 pts] What are the negative effects of the buffer overflow in your example (identify line numbers too)
    • [5 pts] Provide the proper references of your example (websites, books, etc.)

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