Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Python project.

Search Tree

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We are going to have some fun with REST web API. If you have not been exposed to this area yet, this is a great starting point (I hope 🙂 )

1. Research on REST-ful web service (Web API) – A few links to start with

2. Research on Web API

As a first step of the Web API domain, in this homework assignment, you may focus on the stuff of the Web API client side. The service provider side may be a good candidate for your Winter break personal leaning goal. These links are more for your future references.

3. Using the News API

With all this learning referred above, let’s try it out by following the step-by-step tutorial. Please complete the exercise on the web page. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

You may need to install a few libraries while you are trying it out.

Below is what I got when I queried “Python” — Woman, Indiana, dead, found, around neck, along with machine Learning, Ada, platform, …. Hmmmm…


4. Optimal Binary Search Tree

Here is some more work you need to do by applying a dynamic programming technique we learned from this course.

In the class, I’ve spent a little bit of time explaining the concept of “Optimal Binary Search Tree” dynamic programming algorithm (Slides 32 and 33 of lecture 13 Dynamic Programming) in high level without spending much time on the solution, let alone its implementation.

Now here is your opportunity to learn more about OBST for yourself.

      • Review the slides mentioned above
      • Read the textbook for the topic
      • Implement the OBTS algorithm which counts the total cost of visiting all the nodes in the tree. Feel free to get help from other sources.
      • In your implementation, you are going to use the data from wordcloud created above.
        • Query the strings of your choice using the program developed above.
        • Use wordCloud.words_variable which is a dictionary class of <“aWord”, “aWord frequency probability”>. Below is the such list when ‘Denver’ was queried.

{‘Denver’: 1.0, ‘Broncos’: 0.5, ‘Colorado’: 0.4411764705882353, ‘New’: 0.35294117647058826, ‘NFL’: 0.35294117647058826, ‘year’: 0.3235294117647059, ‘first’: 0.2647058823529412, …. }

        • Get the top n(50 perhaps ?) number of words from the query result list
        • Randomly shuffle the nwords
        • Add all nwords in the list into the regular BST (from HW5) and compute the total score of traversing the entire tree weighted by the frequencies (or probability)
        • Now add the same dictionary elements into the OBST and compute the total score of traversing the entire tree weighted by the frequencies (or probability)
        • Compare the costs returned from the trees.
        • You may run multiple testing with different query words.
      • Write up a summary of your finding from this exercise


    • For randomly shuffle elements in list , we can use random.shuffle(list name) which will return the list with the shuffled items.

      This can be done by importing random package.If random package is not installed in your system, you can use the below command in anaconda prompt to install random package for python

      pip install random


1. Read all the references of REST and Web API. Say Yes if you did (2 points) – counted only if you implemented step 2 and 3

2. Follow the instructions of news wordCloud and produce wordCloud of your words (3 points)

3. OBST code (12 points)

4. A summary of the test results between BST and OBST (3 points)

Computer Science Homework Help

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