Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. application developer for John Fogerty who owns Clearwater Industries, assignment help


You work as an Android mobile application developer for John Fogerty who owns Clearwater Industries Incorporated (CII).  John knows many of the mobile applications developed at CII implement client-server technology.  For example, some mobile applications can store and retrieve data from a remote server that is part of a cloud service.  John is concerned about the security of data transmissions between the client (devices running his mobile applications) and the server.  He asks you to write a memo that provides an overview and solution to this security problem using HTTPS and SSL and how these technologies are implemented within an Android mobile application.


  1. You shall write a well-written business memo to Mr. Fogerty that provides information about how to solve the client-server data transmission security problem.
  2. The memo shall provide an overview of HTTPS and SSL  and how these technologies are implemented within an Android mobile application.
  3. Any terms or acronyms that the reader may not know shall be explained in the memo before used.
  4. The memo shall be 350 to 450 words.
  5. Your memo shall included properly-cited research information from at least two sources.
  6. Properly-used and cited diagrams that illustrate topics in your memo shall offset point deductions.

Computer Science Homework Help

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