Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. It a computer science question, and i want the code written in C language and i want the code to run and compile

Our third assignment is to change our existing version of Connect Four to make it a multi-player game over the internet. This is a TEAM assignment..

As we discussed in the class on Networking, TCP/IP requires one computer to function as the server and another to function as the client. The two computers must communicate using the same “language”. The easiest way to do that is to use the same program on both sides. Each team should create *1* program for Connect Four. I would advise starting with the better code between the two of you.

Your program must:

  • Accept command line parameters (argc/argv):
    • If running as the server, you must accept a port to run on.
    • If running as the client, you must accept an IP address and a port to connect to.
  • If running as the server, set up a connection in Initialize and wait for someone to connect. If running as the client, connect to the server in Initialize.
  • When it is the other players turn, wait for a communication that will indicate what move they made. When it is your player’s turn, accept their input, update the world, display the board and send the results to the other player.
  • Game over must be handled gracefully on both sides no matter which player wins.
  • You must free your network resources in Teardown.


Sometimes Windows Firewall and/or firewalls on whatever network you are on may interfere with connecting two different computers. You can test this by running both the client and server on the same computer (two different terminal sessions).

As always, get started early on this. Coordinating two different schedules is hard.

You must submit buildable C source code to get credit for this assignment.

In addition, you must BOTH submit source code to get credit for this assignment.

Computer Science Homework Help

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