Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. What is crime is in the cyber realm, computer science homework help

Kizza (2014) addressed network attacks
and intrusions broadly as “cybercrime” and attributed them largely to
moral and ethical deficiencies of the perpetrators. Lessig (2006)
approached law in the network largely in terms of computer “code” that
defines what can and cannot be done with the network. In other words,
Lessig (2006) found the issue of what is a crime and who bears
responsibility to be more ambiguous than does Kizza.

Search the Internet to find two examples of
activities that meet the definition of cybercrime.

Then briefly summarize your examples and
apply and criticize Kizza’s (2014) and Lessig’s (2006) positions on
what constitutes a crime and who is responsible for the activities
described in your examples. Identify at least two of the stated or
unstated assumptions that underlie each of Kizza’s (2014) or Lessig’s
(2006) arguments and specify at least two practical implications. Does
Kizza’s (2014) or Lessig’s (2006) position apply better to either or
both of your examples?

***Discuss and cite both (Kizza’s 2014) Computer Network
Security and Cyber Ethics and Lessig’s (2006) Code and Other Laws of
Cyberspace) and at least one additional credible, scholarly source to
support your analysis and positions.

*** Don’t forget the reference page and three in text citations ***

Computer Science Homework Help

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