Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. siem tools installation and analysis on network simulator and take results/ detailed work

free open source siem tools which are able to monitor and anlayze data

You have to try free open source siem tools you will find on a virtual environent *network simulator, create a tutorial and create some traffic and take some results,then analyze thedata from monitoring with these tools . Create a detailed description on the tries you did and write some things about sie tools about the tries you did and whatever you think is needed. i will send you more info if you need it 🙂 it should be very detailed and all fulfill all the steps i wrote!

please i need someone who knows about siem tools. you should write about siem tools, installing the siem tools, create some traffic, do some test cases and analyzing the results from monitoring/it will be about 5-7pages per tool/Ineed the analysis , results , detailed for every tool/Step by step instruction of how to use each tool/review siem tools, analysis of the tools … advantages and disadvatnages … of using the tools

i found something on internet which might help you on this project: NS2 network simulato and cbrgen

inform me for any detail or if you need anything else

Computer Science Homework Help

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