Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Cybersecurity power point project, computer science homework help

Overview: This case study analysis is the first of two formative tasks that will support your understanding of the key course concepts of human behaviors that
could potentially cause a security threat. These case study analyses will inform your approach for the milestone tasks and the final project.
Prompt: Identify three current security breaches. Using presentation software, create a slide for each of the breaches. In addition to indicating when each breach
occurred, address the following critical elements on each slide:
 The data that was compromised
 The individuals and organizations that were impacted
 The human factors that impacted the breach and whether the suspects were identified
 What is being done to mitigate future occurrences
 What damage control measures the impacted organization is providing regarding the breach
Guidelines for Submission: Include a title slide. Include at least one slide for each of the three breaches. Include all of the critical elements for each breach. On
each slide, use the commenting feature to describe each breach in two to three paragraphs. NEED DONE ASAP!!!!!! AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND I WILL LEAVE A HEFT TIP!!

Computer Science Homework Help

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