Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. 554 Assignment 3 Planning a Software Development Project

This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a written project plan, and a
project plan that is created through the use of MS Project. You must submit both
sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each
file name according to the section of the assignment it is written for. 

Imagine that you have been hired as a project manager assisting in the
development of a mobile application and cloud-based solution which is designed
to streamline your organization’s delivery operation. As project manager, you
are to manage the development and release of the mobile client platform in the
cloud-based infrastructure that will use GPS tracking to track the shipment and
delivery of goods in trucks across the United States.

The mobile client will have three (3) modules consisting of a search
customer screen, search address screen, and confirm delivery screen. Programmers
have reviewed the requirements and estimate that each module will take 200 hours
to complete by one (1) programmer.

In addition to delivering the mobile-based application, your project will
require upgrading the internal network and application infrastructure to a
cloud-based model to support the new mobile platform. This effort will require
your team to procure network appliances to optimize the security factors of the
cloud-based platform. 

One last component of the project scope is to provide training to operation
support staff and fifty (50) truck drivers staffed across four (4) regions of
the U.S. Your project team consists of two (2) programmers, a technical writer,
four (4) technical trainers, two (2) network engineers, and one (1) system

Section 1: Written Project Plan 

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

  1. Determine the factors that must be considered and observed throughout the
    WBS development process and explain why.
  2. Create a WBS for the scope of the project. Note: The WBS must be in indented
    format as shown in Figure 5.5B in Chapter 5 of the text.
  3. Analyze the various activities required for this project and provide an
    estimate of duration for each activity based on the number of resources
    available for the project. Include assumptions and basis for each
  4. Recommend the estimation technique that should be used for each activity
    (i.e., PERT, Delphi, Analogy, Expert Judgment, or Rule of Thumb).
  5. Determine the major milestones that the project will encounter. 
  6. Describe the logical sequence of planned activities required to achieve the
    project and analyze how monitoring durations on the critical path influence the
    success of the project.

Section 1 of your assignment must follow these formatting

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch
    margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or
    school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s
    name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and
    the reference page are not included in the required assignment page

Section 2: Project Plan 

Use Must use Microsoft Project to:

  1. Document all resources that would be required for this project within the
    Resource Sheet form within the software.
  2. List all the activities required for the project. Break down the activities
    by the major milestones.
  3. Enter the estimate of required durations, dependencies, and assign resources
    for each activity.
  4. Generate a Gantt chart that shows all of the project deliverables, from
    beginning to end.

Use this template for the paper: APA_Template_With_Advice_(6th_Ed) .doc

Use Must use Microsoft Project

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