Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. IT 474 (Assignment 2)

1)Create a use case diagram that would illustrate the use cases for the following online university registration system: The system should enable the staff members of each academic department to examine the courses offered by their department, add and remove courses, and change the information about courses (e.g., the maximum number of students permitted). It should permit students to examine currently available courses, add and drop courses to and from their schedules, and examine the courses for which they are enrolled. Department staff should be able to print a variety of reports about the courses and the students enrolled in them. The system should ensure that no student takes too many courses and that students who have any unpaid fees are not permitted to register. (Assume that a fees data store is maintained by the university’s financial office, which the registration system accesses but does not change.)

2)Write the HTML to display your name with the largest heading element.

3)Think of a favorite quotation by someone you admire. Write the HTML code to display the person’s name in a heading and the quotation in a blockquote element.

Note : Must be APA format.

Computer Science Homework Help

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