Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. In “real world” software development, you will often “inherit” a project that works for the most part but has room for improvement. You will make the following modifications to the JavaFX FlashText demo

In “real world” software development, you will often “inherit” a project that works for the most part but has room for improvement.
You will make the following modifications to the JavaFX FlashText demo:
1. Instead of the 3 individual threads to use a thread, rework the application to use the ExecutorService.
2. Add an exit button and an event handler that will shut down the application pool and close the application.
 An inner class for the tasks will probably be the easiest but it’s your choice.
 Since the labels will flash text indefinitely, the shutdownNow() method will work best.
 Platform.exit() is the graceful way to close a JavaFX application from your exit button

I’ll give u the starter code later.

Computer Science Homework Help

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