Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Need small PowerPoint project done, computer science homework help

Already finished majority of the assignment. I just need someone to put my paper in PowerPoint form and abide by the rubric. Everything in the Rubric must be included. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to message me.

Using PowerPoint, Prezi, or a similar program, create a presentation that uses audio and/or slide commenting features. In your presentation, design a security
awareness program pitch for the executive team of a company. The pitch should include both the human element and the organizational side of operations. Be
sure to highlight the differences between intentional and unintentional threats posed by human beings and the organizational factors that impact the level of
human error within an enterprise.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Introduction: Why is it important for a company to foster awareness of and mitigate against human factors in information security?
II. Unintentional Human Error
A. Human/Cognitive Factors: What are some examples of human/cognitive factors that influence unintentional human error? How do these factors
impact the security posture of the organization?
B. Psychosocial/Sociocultural Factors: What are some examples of psychosocial/sociocultural factors that influence unintentional human error?
How do these factors impact the security posture of the organization?
C. What potential predisposed and counterintuitive behaviors are examples of unintentional human error?
D. How can a company use this information to harden its security posture?
III. Malicious Human Behavior
A. Human/Cognitive Factors: What are some examples of human/cognitive factors that influence malicious human behavior? How do these factors
impact the security posture of the organization?
B. Psychosocial/Sociocultural Factors: What are some examples of psychosocial/sociocultural factors that influence malicious human behavior?
How do these factors impact the security posture of the organization?
C. What potential predisposed and counterintuitive behaviors are examples of malicious human behavior?
D. How can a company use this information to harden its security posture?
IV. Organizational Factors
A. How can data flow factors affect the company’s security posture? Provide examples to support your claims.
B. How can work setting factors affect the company’s security posture? Provide examples to support your claims.
C. How can work planning and control factors affect the company’s security posture? Provide examples to support your claims.
D. How can employee readiness factors affect the company’s security posture? Provide examples to support your claims.
V. Conclusion
A. What is a healthy security culture? Why is it important for a company to have a healthy security culture?
B. How can security awareness training programs promote healthy security culture in companies? How can these programs address the needs of
various stakeholders?
C. How can security awareness training for enterprise stakeholders mitigate against unintentional human error that negatively impacts security
cultures? What kinds of training or remediation strategies could be used in addressing unintentional behaviors?
D. How can security awareness training for enterprise stakeholders mitigate against malicious human behavior? What kinds of training or
remediation strategies could be used in addressing malicious behaviors?
E. How can security awareness training for enterprise stakeholders mitigate against organizational factors that negatively impact security cultures?
What kinds of training or remediation strategies could be used in addressing organizational factors?

Computer Science Homework Help

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