Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. explore the use of Structured Query Language (SQL) and its use in database devel


What is a subquery, and what are its basic characteristics?  What (if any) differences are there between the construction of a subquery in MS Access, MS SQL Server or Oracle? What is a correlated subquery? What (if any) differences are there between the construction of a subquery in MS Access, MS SQL Server or Oracle?  Give an example of each type.

Be sure to cite your references.strictly no plagiarism and copied content , need original work.


Research and provide 2 to 3 pages covering the following:

Define and explain Views and their use in the SQL environment?  Explain how the use of a view can provide data security and integrity.  Explain any drawbacks to using views in a database environment.

Be sure to cite your references.strictly no plagiarism and copied content , need original work.

Computer Science Homework Help

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