Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Database IT231

At this point, you will add data to your database and validate that they loaded properly. In tabular format, include 3 rows for each table, making sure that the primary-key and foreign-key relationships are properly applied.
Next, you will insert the 30 rows of data that you identified (using the concepts you worked on identifying the primary and foreign keys), then perform queries using JOIN syntax of the database.
Task 1: Create 3 rows of data for each table ensuring that the referential integrity is valid.Task 2: Add the 30 rows of data to the appropriate table in your database (using any appropriate method available).Task 3: SELECT all columns and all rows of the 10 tables. Create a screenshot of each query and output data, and submit them.Task 4: Write SELECT statements for the following (include a screenshot of the SQL and its execution, including the resulting data): Display the employee id, first_name, last_name, and department_name for all employees. Rows returned Display the employee id, first_name, last_name, and job title_name for all employees. Rows returned Display the employee id, first_name, last_name, department_name, and job title_name for all employees. Rows returned

Computer Science Homework Help

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