Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Social Engineering

Note: work must be original. No plagiarism. Paper should be 1.5
pages in length single space.

Both Anderson in Security Engineering and Mitnick in Ghost
in the Wires refer to social engineering as a critical aspect of cyber
security. Search the Internet to find two examples of cyber security breaches
that exemplify the concept of social engineering as discussed by both authors.
Note that you can, if you wish, use the same examples for this week’s
Discussion forum.

Apply Anderson’s and Mitnick’s discussions of the role of social
engineering to the activities described in your examples. In your paper,
address each of the following items:

Briefly describe the two examples of security breaches and
describe the role played by social engineering in bringing them about.

Define and analyze the concept of social engineering in the
contexts of both of your examples.

Offer suggestions regarding how the victims of both
incidents could have protected against the social engineering component of the
security breach.

Cite statements made about social engineering by Anderson
and Mitnick and discuss whether and how the two authors’ different perspectives
on the conception of social engineering provide different insights into your

Explain why social engineering is an important consideration
in the field of cyber security.

Support your analysis by citing specific statements about
social engineering by both authors and at least one additional credible or
scholarly source. Paper should be 1.5 pages in length single space, with
document and citation formatting per APA Requirements.

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