Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Algorithms

ASSI G N M EN T #1 (parts 1a & 1b)

Gen e r a t i v e & Algorithmic Art

The two parts of this assignment are mirror images of each other, in that Part 1a asks you to create an algorithm/quasi-algorithm for someone else to execute, while Part 1b requires you to execute an algorithm that the instructor created that includes RANDOM VARIABLES!

You might consider doing part 1b first to warm you up for Part 1a.

Please complete both parts of this assignment for credit!

Part 1a:

Create a set of instructions, an algorithm, or a quasi-algorithm that generates a piece of art.

This algorithm art piece should be written in WORDS, not in computer code. It may employ any medium may be visual art, music, sculpture, architecture, dance, performance art, digital art, or some other medium not yet considered.

The constraints are:

1) Use at least two(2) nouns and two(2) verbs from the list you made in the Module 1 “Introduce Yourself” discussion post

2) Your instructions can be executed by anyone in the class (i.e. no special high-end equipment is needed that only you have).

3) Do not employ/reference any web based sites/tools to perform any part of your instruction set.

Remember how Sol Lewitt’s quasi-algorithmic pieces are written in words, but executed as wall paintings. Yoko Ono made conceptual instruction set poems that the viewer imagined doing, or could do!

Recall from our discussion in class that Algorithmic or Quasi-Algorithmic art involves the artist creating some kind of instruction set to define the process by which the work of art is created. In the case of the Lewitt Wall Drawing that we studied, the work may best be considered quasi-algorithmic because the output will have variation each time it is re-created.

A final suggestion about homework #1a: Don’t call it part #1a. Give your artwork a TITLE. Think of your creative algorithm as a generative or algorithmic artwork of some kind and name it thusly. BE CREATIVE!

TURN IN: A file to Dropbox (.doc, .docx, or .pdf file) that contains your instruction set. (If you decide to create an instruction set by hand, be sure to take a photo of your work with sufficient resolution for me to interpret and read your work!)

SUBMIT Part 1a:

1) Name your file with the convention: HW1a_lastname_firstname.pdf or HW1a_lastname_firstname.docx or HW1a_lastname_firstname.txt

2) Submit this file to Assignments dropbox (Assignment 1a & 1b) “Mod 2 Activity 4: HOMEWORK Assignment #1a & 1b | 90 min”

3) Copy and paste (or attach) your Instruction Set artwork into the Discussion ” Instruction Set Artwork Peer Critique” with the title of your artwork as the New Thread title.

Part 1b:

In the lecture, I showed instructions for a Generative Album Cover. Follow the instructions (provided below) to make a generative album cover artwork.

Go to Wikipedia. click:…

-Click ‘random article’ from the navigation menu to the left (5 items down). random article

– The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

Go to

-Click ‘random quotes’ from the navigation menu to the left. random quote

– The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your music album.

Go to Flickr and click

– Look at the clock on your computer and whatever the minutes number is (i.e. if clock says 9:23 then you would use the number 23), then counting left to right across the rows of images on the Flickr page, that will be the picture you will use for your album cover.

Use Photoshop, Photoshop Elements (All Adobe CC Programs for free for UArizona students- see syllabus) , GIMP, or similar to put it all together. (I used FotoFlexer , entirely online.)

Submit your final .jpg image (MUST be less than 2MB in size) to the D2L Dropbox (Assignment 1a & b).

Paste your generative album cover image into a .docx., or .pdf file and below write a short paragraph describing the kind of music you imagine being made by the band. Again, be creative!

SUBMIT Part 1b:

1) Name your generative album art file with the convention: HW1b_lastname_firstname.jpg (.jpg ONLY and smaller than 2MB in size)

2) Submit image file to Assignments Submissions (Assignment 1a & 1b) “Mod 2 Activity 4: HOMEWORK Assignment #1a & 1b | 90 min”

3) Submit PDF or .docx file with the generative album cover and the short descriptive paragraph to Assignment Submissions (Assignment 1a & 1b) “Mod 2 Activity 4: HOMEWORK Assignment #1a & 1b | 90 min”

NOTE: I will create a web-based gallery of the albums that are generated by the class!

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