Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. E-Commerce and Digital Law

Perform the following tasks:

  • Step 1: Research legal implications associated with video livestreaming.
    Use the Internet to research legal implications associated with video livestreaming apps such as Meerkat and Periscope.
  • Step 2: Post your responses to the discussion board.
    Post your responses to these questions:
    • What are the possible legal implications associated with capturing and posting live video on social media?
    • Who is exposed to legal risk in this instance? The company that owns the app? The user? The ISP?
    • How are these apps, and the legal implications associated with them, different from those that use stored video such as YouTube?
    • What ethical concerns are being raised by these advances in digital technology?

Provide support for your answers using references from the text and/or other credible sources, each cited appropriately.

And writing some reviews for discussions after sending the task above)

Business Finance Homework Help

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