Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. I need someone to write my discussion post and to reply to one my peers discussion post

Discussion 6 (Thursday Post & Sunday Reply)

In Zettl Chapter 7, the emphasis this week was on understanding the various types of camera operations or movements. So, in order to practice and get a better feel for how each of these movements work, you will be creating a short storyboard script for your other classmates to review.

Part 1. Create & Post your Storyboard! (Due by Thursday @11:59 pm)

Review the short story below and develop a 9-15 panel storyboard script to go along with it. Keep in mind that for each panel, you will need to draw what the video shot would look like in the box as well as include the shorthand for each shot type and a brief description of the video.

Storyboard Script Template:

RTV3511 Storyboard Script.docx Download RTV3511 Storyboard Script.docx

Example Storyboard: (Links to an external site.)

Short Story:

The Peace and Plenty Inn

The Peace and Plenty Inn was once a tavern and stagecoach stop before the Revolutionary War. Centuries passed, and it was converted into a private residence. The sprawling red-clapboard home had welcomed many families in its almost 400 years, until one night just before Halloween (Links to an external site.). The Armstrong family now owned the home. That night, the Armstrongs went out to dinner and the babysitter, Ann, got the girls ready for bed. By nine o’clock, all three girls were tucked safely into bed. Ann settled in front of the television to watch a movie.

About 15 minutes later, Ann suddenly felt chilled to the bone. She got up to check the thermostat, but the room temperature was set at 70 degrees, and she could hear the oil burner chugging along in the basement.

“Hmm, that’s strange,” she thought. “It’s freezing in here.” She found an afghan on the back of the couch and settled back to watch television. But, a few minutes later, she heard footsteps on the stairs leading from the kitchen to the second floor.

“Katie? Elizabeth? Laurel?” she called out the three children’s names. The footsteps seemed to be coming closer. “Are you girls playing a trick on me?” Abruptly, the light on the end table flickered, flared and went out.

Ann checked the hallway and kitchen for the prankster girls, but no one was there. She shivered. It was even colder in the kitchen. She shook her head and went upstairs and found the three girls sound asleep. Feeling confused, she convinced herself it was her imagination and returned to the living room.

“Hmm, that’s funny,” she said as she looked at the television. “I thought I left it on Channel 2. It’s on Channel 4 now.” These were the days before remote controls, so she walked over to the television and put it back on Channel 2. She sat back in the chair.

Suddenly, the knob began to turn on its own, switching to channel 4, 7… and then static.

A voice whispered through the TV, “Get out.” With a shriek, Ann pulled the plug from the television.

Mrs. Armstrong found Ann upstairs, curled in her afghan, asleep at the foot of the girls’ bed.

“Ann, are you all right?” she asked.

“T-t-take me home,” Ann cried. “This place is haunted!”

Part 2. Respond to a Classmate’s Storyboard! (Due by Sunday @ 11:59 pm)

After reviewing a classmate’s storyboard, respond to it by mentioning what you liked about their chosen shots. Be sure to point out any shots that you felt were especially unique or creative!

Business Finance Homework Help

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