Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Sales Case


Sales Case

As a member of the management team of the Summerdale Swim and Tennis Club, you have just attended a strategizing session in which the team generated ideas for increasing memberships. Your boss presented data about current memberships broken down by demographic categories. One group that stood out for its low number of memberships was older adults. “We’re doing well attracting young adults with kids,” your boss says, “but we’re not attracting enough senior citizens. In fact, our data show that many members let their membership’s lapse once their kids reach their teenage years.” The team decides that one strategy to remedy this problem will be to send a letter to those aged 50 and over who have let their club membership lapse. You have been assigned the task of creating this mailing.

This problem can give you excellent practice turning product features into reader benefits.

The first step is to visit swim and tennis club websites (just a few) and thoroughly study all their features. Here’s a partial list:

· Exclusive access to high-quality facilities

· Equipment provided

· Year-round access

· Free parking

· Towels and lockers and changing rooms provided

· Group and individual exercise and sports instruction classes available

· Social activities and clubs (such as card games, hobbies, etc.)

· Members-only access to event rooms

· Convenient hours

· Ability to reserve facilities for private events

· Restricted access and regulations keep club atmosphere clean and courteous

Then, turn these features into benefits that would appeal to the target audience. You should come up with those like the following:

· Can invest in your health and wellness

· Can enjoy the company of peers

· Can escape the routine and learn new activities

· Can find a time that works for you

· Can enjoy the club benefits year-round

· Can have easy access to party facilities

· Can support a well-run and positive community organization

· Can easily entertain children and grandchildren

The first paragraph should build on a central selling point, such as the high-quality and private facilities provided to members: “Looking for an oasis of wellness in your busy week?” or “Want to stay active without fighting the crowds?” (Open with words that gain attention and setup the strategy.)

Paragraphs in the body of the message, should continue to build on the activities and benefits offered by the club by using the list created above. By the time the actual drive for the sale comes, readers should be convinced that the club is not just for those with young children. (Now, develop the strategy using persuasive language and the you-viewpoint.)

The closing paragraph could, for example, what new facility or equipment just been updated? Or is a special social event just around the corner? (Make the request clearly and without negatives– either at the end of the message or followed by words that continue the persuasive appeal.)

Of course, the message should end with a reminder of the benefits and perhaps include a fetching P.S. (post-script)

Studying the websites of a few swim and tennis clubs and using realistic facts as well as your imagination, write the letter that will persuade these former members to rejoin. Consider carefully how to turn features of the club into benefits for your readers.


(See the e-Text, Bonus Chapter A, Document Formats.) Make up any information you need to have a good letter. For example, you may need to make up inside address information, company name, titles, etc. But… you are the writer of the letter. It will be signed by you. Check the Syllabus for the due date.


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