Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. California State University Bakersfield Fundamental Areas in Leadership Journal

The book Lift (2013) by Quinn looks at four fundamental areas a leader needs to consider when making a decision about how to interact and lead people through various situations in life. The four areas are as follows:

  • Being Purpose Centered
  • Being Internally Directed
  • Being Other-Focused
  • Being Externally Open

During the semester we will have class discussion on the impetus to develop each of the four aforementioned areas of consideration for a leader. During these discussions we will also take a deep dive into what each factor means for a leader in today’s complex world.

At the conclusion of each lecture you will be required to actively seek out a leadership opportunity and apply the concepts and competencies of the factor in a real world situation. You can only use a past experience with prior approval from the instructor.These leadership opportunities are not limited to work application, but rather can be sought would with family, friends, etc. You will be required to explain what the leadership scenario was, why you selected the particular opportunity, how you applied the competency and what the outcome you received. You will then reflect on the scenario and outline any learning points you developed for future use in your everyday personal and professional lives.

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