Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Porters Five Forces Presentation

Assignment: Develop a PowerPoint Presentation with 15-20 slides. The presentation will be used to conduct a training session on the subject of your choice at the bottom of these instructions. Use the attached handout as an initial guide.

Every organization needs to conduct training. In many cases this responsibility falls on Supervisors and Team Leaders. The act of training requires planning and preparation. For this activity you will develop training materials that could be used to teach others about a useful Decision Making Tool or Technique.

Your learners would be other employees, or in this case your classmates. Some of them may have extensive knowledge and experience with your training topic; however, it’s just as likely that your learners will have little to no knowledge of the subject.

Use the Accelerated Training Model to prepare your Presentation/Training Module:

Step 1: Prepare the learner by telling them what they will be learning about. (1-2 Slides)

Step 2: Present information about the subject to the learners (7 – 10 Slides)

Your presentation you Could:

  • incorporate references from your textbook (include the chapter and page numbers).

Your presentation MUST incorporate a PowerPoint.

  • incorporate website/s or links with information on the subject.
  • incorporate at least one video with information on the subject. The video should be 5-10 minutes.
  • incorporate at least one handout for learners to reference. The handout can include graphics, terms, references and an area for learners to take notes. The notes section of the handout should be a half-page or less.

Step 3: Let the learners Practice (3 – 5 Slides)

  • Include at least one activity that allows learners to practice their new or improved knowledge or skills. Learners should demonstrate comprehension of the material during the practice portion of your training module.

Step 4: Performance (3 – 5 Slides)

  • Include at least one activity that allows learners to perform their new or improved knowledge of the subject matter in a real world setting or situation. For this learning activity (since you’re not in a work environment) your participants do not actually have to “perform the new skill” but you do need to address this training phase in your presentation. In other words, give them instructions for what will happen next, (even though they won’t actually be doing it). For example: Tell them that they will be using the new skill with their work teams over the next week and you want them to report back at a later time.

Instructions for Online Courses: Choose one of the topics below and try not to overlap with existing presentations that have already been posted (a good method is to use your last name as a guide – if you’re an A start at the top, Z at the bottom and L, M, N somewhere in the middle, and so on. In the end, there may be some duplication of the topics covered, but that’s okay. Your Presentation should be a minimum of 15-20 PowerPoint slides complete with voice-over/narration.

Instructions for Face-to-Face and Hybrid Courses: The instructor will place you in Teams and assign one of the Presentation topics below. You WILL give your presentation during the last f-2-f class period. Your Presentation should be a minimum of 15-20 PowerPoint slides and last approximately 15 minutes.

Presentation / Training Topics:

Decision Making and Problem Solving

  • Pareto Analysis
  • Paired Comparison Analysis (also called Force Paired Analysis)
  • Grid Analysis (also called Decision Matrix)
  • Decision Tree
  • PMI Plus/Minus/Interesting
  • Force Field Analysis
  • Six Thinking Hats
  • Cost/Benefit Analysis
  • 5 Whys
  • Systems Diagrams
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Risk Analysis
  • Porter’s Five Forces
  • PEST Analysis
  • Appreciation
  • Cause & Effect Diagrams (also called Fishbone Diagram)
  • What-if Statements
  • Weighted Factors

Your assignment should be a minimum of 15-20 PowerPoint slides complete with voiceover.

Business Finance Homework Help

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