Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. San Diego State University Discrimination in The Workplace Discussion

I’m working on a management writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Your job will be complex this week, as you will look at an issue of discrimination based on two of the following categories that come up in workplace discrimination: gender or sexuality, race or ethnicity, and disability. Decide what you are going to analyze and why. Then, discuss what someone with multiple marginalized identities might face, based on the material for this week. For example, a gay man who is also Puerto Rican and is on the Autism Spectrum; a white, poor, single mother who is deaf; or an African American woman.

With care, sensitivity, and a critically sound approach to dealing with discrimination and harassment in the workplace, what sort of things might this person face and what is the job of human resources to ensure their protection? What challenges might come up when you address discrimination or harassment?

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