Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. BUS 3310 Amberton University Communicating Analysis Results Questions



of the most difficult challenge for modern business analysts is to

effectively communicate the results of their analysis to key decision

makers who need to understand the insights generated from that analysis

to make high quality, relevant decisions.

Questions for Discussion:

1. Review news stories from the last few weeks. Try to identify at
least two examples where analytical information was presented to
decision makers effectively or poorly. You may find examples in
business news, social news, political news, sports news, etc. Describe
how the communication either positively or negatively affected the
decision outcome.

Select a company or organization that you are familiar with and
identify & describe how they might have failed to accurately
communicate analytical information in making business decision(s).
(… or vice versa, might have successfully communicated analytical information in making business decision(s).
Examples might have been Blockbuster, Tesla, Starbucks, Apple, Coca
Cola, Uber, Yellow Pages, Southwest Airlines, Macys, Neiman Marcus, etc.

Guidelines for Your Discussion Forum Response:


on the two questions above, post a new discussion topic (using the “Add

new discussion topic” button) consisting of a 150 word (minimum)


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