Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Public Administration Module and Assignments Discussions

There are 2 discussions. Write a 250 word or more response to each. Include biblical interpretation as well.

Discussion 1.)

Prompt: Provide your critique of the Public Administration module and assignments. What were some aspects of the work that did — and did not — enhance your learning? What do you think is the most and/or least beneficial aspect of the module that has prepared you for the capstone project in this course? (*See capstone attachment to assist with your response to this discussion.)

Discussion 2.)

Prompt: Provide your critique of the overall research component (both MPA620 and MPA625) for the MPA program. Did the two courses transition properly and successfully flow together? Did the two courses effectively communicate the requirements for the capstone research project and presentation? Were you unprepared in any way for the requirements for these courses? What advice would you give to students just beginning the MPA620 course and starting the research process?(*See capstone attachment to assist with your response to this discussion.)

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