Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Declining Performance Chapter Discussion

Below are 2 Career Situations, pick one and provide a response as what would you do, in the situation you elected.

1. New Task Force. It’s time for the first meeting of the task force that you have been assigned to lead.This is a big opportunity, since it’s the first time your supervisor has giving you this level of responsibility. There are seven members of the task force, all of whom are your peers and co-workers. The task is to develop a proposal for increased use of flexible work schedules and telecommuting in the organization. what will your agenda be for the first meeting, and what opening statement will you make?

2. Declining Performance. You’ve been concern for quite some time about a drop in the performance of your work team. Although everyone seems to like one another, the “numbers” in terms of measured daily performance are on the decline. It’s time to act. What will you look at, and why, to determine where and how steps might be taken to improve the effectiveness of the work team?

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