Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. MGT 480 Great Basin College Facebook Initiative Case Study

Facebook’s Initiative Case (PCI-1 through PCI-8) Questions 1, 2, and 3

The purpose of this assignment is two-fold.

First, is for you to submit a paper in proper APA format using the tools I have posted in the Announcement titled “Proper APA Formatting” as this is the paper where I will provide you with significant instructor feedback on this deliverable to help you with subsequent submissions. A properly APA formatted paper enhances the readability and credibility of the work you submit. Take advantage of the feedback you receive, ask questions where you may not understand, and incorporate recommendations so your next submission has strong APA formatting and point earning potential. Read the course syllabus and the rubric for the assignment for the rest of the deliverables for your written work. 

Secondly, this is a great jumping off point for you to start performing high quality academic research. You must have a specific number of quality sources in each written assignment so ensure they are academic in nature (no blogs, wikis, Prezi’s made by other students, etc). I recommend you contact the GBC Library so they can show you how to search the databases relevant to the topic. If you have any questions, please email to me ASAP. I do not answer emails on the night assignments (exams) are due.

Written Case Studies:

The student will write a thorough essay (1000 to 1250 words excluding cover, abstract, and reference pages) that answers all questions that apply to the case provided by the author.  A minimum of four high quality academic sources in addition to your textbook (if relevant) are required. Do not submit as either a numbered Q & A or as a bulleted list of data submission but rather as a completed written paper with proper APA formatting. Because this is an upper division course, students are responsible for their own time management and as such, should ensure they complete the papers earlier, rather than waiting until the night the assignment is due. Avoid the overwhelmed feeling a student can encounter when they wait until the last minute to start a written paper with significant point allocation.

Note that the instructor does not recognize Wikipedia as a quality reference source for academic submissions due to the editable nature of the material found there that raises concerns about veracity and validity of content. Do not cite Wikipedia (any other “pedias” including encyclopedias) or other non-academic sources such as dictionaries, blogs, Prezi’s, CourseHero, MBA Tutor, etc., and most “.com” in your references for the Case Study assignments.  

A word on “quality academic sources” is in order here. Peer reviewed (you can set this as a parameter of your search in the GBC Databases) studies, reports, journal articles, conference papers and presentations are the preferred sources. Include properly formatted cover, abstract, and reference pages with your Case Studies. A minimum of four high quality academic sources in addition to your textbook (if relevant) are required.Once posted to the assignment drop box, instructor grading may occur even if before the due date so ensure you have posted your final version.Resubmissions after grading will not accepted.Submit as an attachment in proper APA format as a Microsoft® Word document only with proper grammar, spelling, citations, cover and reference pages. Remember, that the instructor will provide you with APA formatting feedback on the first paper only as a tool to help you with subsequent written assignments. 

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