Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. FIDM Peloton Holiday Ad Sparks Heated Debate Essay

I need help with a Business question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Strategic Leadership Memo: Peloton

  • Based your answers on the following material:
    • Read the following PDF document: Peloton Holiday Ad
    • Watch the following videos:
      • Peloton advertisement video located here:
      • Today Show segment here:
  • Answer the following questions in your memo:
    • Although Peloton sparked backlash in their advertisement let’s assume that this was not their intent. What do you believe Peloton was trying to accomplish with this advertisement in terms of branding, content, timing and engagement with customers? They were trying to sell Pelotons but to who, how and why (targeting & positioning)?
    • What went wrong in Peloton’s advertising?
      • Please do not use the stock price drop in your answer as the stock is up over 80% since this advert came up. Stock prices tend to move sharply short term so it would be preferred this not be a focus.
    • Do you agree with Peloton’s decision to stand by this ad?
    • Make a recommendation
      • Assume that the Peloton management team asks your opinion on what to do with this campaign 3-months before launch (in other words, not knowing there may be a backlash).
      • You are allowed to do anything from running with it as is, completely changing and re-shooting it or anything in between.
      • What are your recommendations to senior leadership and why? If you change nothing you must still explain why you think this ad should stay in this format.

Business Finance Homework Help

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