Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Chase Sapphire Creating a Millennial Cult Brand Business Case Study

Case Study: Chase Sapphire- Creating a Millennial Cult Brand

  • Note: Remember to reference the case’s attached exhibits and financials were relevant.
  • Overview
    • What was the general market for credit card offerings and where was Chase looking to compete?
    • How did the Sapphire concept sit with Chase’s existing product offerings and why was Sapphire an offering the market needed?
  • Customers
    • Describe the landscape of segments for credit card customers and based on your answers where is Chase’s best opportunity for the Sapphire?
    • Who are the most ideal customers for the Chase Sapphire card and what are their expectations of a credit card offering?
  • Challenges
    • What are churners and why do they present a challenge?
    • What were the challenges in designing Sapphire to appeal to millennials?
    • How did Chase answer these challenges and fulfill customer expectations at the same time? (pay special attention to the Millennial base)
  • GTM
    • How did Chase market the Sapphire and why (or why not) do you believe it maximized effectiveness? Could they have done something better?
    • Why or why not do you consider Chase Sapphire to be a success? Back your answers with information from the case.
  • Recommendations
    • Given competitor responses and the possible opportunities for Chase after successfully being in the market a while, make a strategic recommendation to senior management on what you think is the best path forward and back your answer with case information.
  • Required Diagrams:
    • SWOT Analysis
    • 5C – STP – 4P Analysis

    (Notes: for the strategic recommendation, the pandemic is NOT to be a core part to analysis and the Sustainability & influencer strategies also cannot use)

  • SPECIAL TIP: The answer is always…. always… always start with the consumer (namely customer segments) and creating value for them. Value creation is always our goal.
  • ALWAYS FOCUS ON SEGMENTS… become “customer obsessed”
  • Remember – demographics are not segments – we want to include everyone who shares the same drive and passion and demographics alone will rarely, if ever, capture those drivers.
  • CASE STUDIES: DO NOT perform any outside research. All information is within the case. Do not Google case outcomes. The case is to be treated as if it is occurring during the time period of the case (which is in the past). You have no knowledge of the future. Do not use anecdotes of things you know from culture or the world outside – your analysis is using class frameworks:… and the information presented.

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