Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Using RapidMiner, answer the following question


(shows the movies nominated for the academy award for Best Picture from 1984-2010. The data include several variables for each movie. The variable we would like to predict is “Winner”: the binary variable specifying whether or not the movie won the award.)

1) Using RapidMiner, determine what you believe to be the best supervised learning method for predicting whether a movie will win Best Picture (based on this particular set of variables). Explain your results and any interesting observations.

The first step is to partition the data set. When doing so, do not include the Year and Title variables in your partition. Then, use this method to predict the winner for the set of movies in the Pick_Winner tab.

If/when you use logistic regression, use the regression model output to calculate the probability. The conversion formula is in the Pick_winner tab as well.

2) Submit a screenshot of your RapidMiner Process and the predictive results of your model in a Word Document

Business Finance Homework Help

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