Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Arizona State University The Case for Paying Collegiate Athletes Presentation

Hi i need you to do this small part of the PowerPoint that i’m doing with my classmate the part that you doing is


1.Amateurism & Founding the NCAA : DO it


3.Our Claim : Done

4.O’Bannon v. NCAA : done

5.Bloom v. NCAA : done

6.White v NCAA : done

7.Collegiate Athlete Compensation Act : DO it

8.Student Athlete Economic Value : Done

9.Student Athlete Social Media Value : Done

10.Student Athlete Activites are a Full Time Job : Done

11.Revenue – don’t know what that is just a pic someone put

like Just talk about like from our research and from what Dom said what you would think is the best policy for the ncaa obviously paying students in some way it should be about 5-6 slides long with pic and data stat

see the files attached

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