Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Homework help

Introduction: Create a Google Data Studio report directly in Google Data Studio (details below). First, log into Google Data Studio.

Go through the tutorial for first-time users. If that does not come up automatically, click on the Tutorial Report template. Once you have completed the tutorial, create a new report for this assignment. This new report will use the data from the Google Analytics Demo account.

It is your job to create a 2020 website performance report for your boss. Use the Master View of the demo account in Google Analytics. The report should include the following charts and information: TRAFFIC CHART, E-COMMERCE CONVERSION RATE CHART, AVERAGE ORDER VALUE, TRAFFIC SOURCES TABLES, DECEMBER 2020 VS. DECEMBER 2019 SCORECARDS, ONE MORE INFORMATIVE CHART. Put all of your charts into a Word (or like)

Business Finance Homework Help

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