Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Northeastern State University NAOS New Approach to Operations Essay


I need to give thought to this because that’s what the question asked (please see below)  The allurement of these NAO/S seems to be a problem if you cannot back it up. These are great ideas to implement ways that can improve the overall goal of the supply chain which is to increase the total supply chain surplus. If the firm were to decide on SRM or ERP as their plan of action to increase the overal supply chain surplus then that is a great start, but they can’t just say thats is what they are going to do and hope for the best. They will have to perform that NAO/S along with keeping their other tactics at surface. I believe they may be getting caught up in the glamour of the acronym and not implementing it the right way and therefore it has respondents feeling that “NAO/S promise more than they deliver”. Firms get caught up in trying to be competitive that they forget to deal with their internal problems. Instead it would be beneficial to create a valuable improvement technique that the whole organization can get behind and move as one. This will allow for quality relationships to be made with suppliers and customers. They should not look at their competitors and try to copy what they are doing because it may not be the best plan of action for them. By creating a well suited strategy for that specific supply chain they can focus on themselves rather than someone else and their techniques. Operations/supply chain managers who are confronted with difficulties need to take one problem at a time. The economy will always be unstable, but by implementing a plan specific for that company they can make it more stable and they should see that as a success. Also by sticking with the basics in times of uncertainty they will be able to ease their overwhelming decisions and keep sight of the fundamental principles that made the US economy a powerhouse. Sometimes they try to do too much and it can backfire when all they need to do is take it one step at a time.  

Business Finance Homework Help

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