Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Georgetown University Prompts About Diversity Discussion

I’m working on a communications question and need support to help me learn.

I have two questions about diversity and media. Each question should be written in 400 words essay.

  1. What is race? Include census information either from the U.S. Census Bureau.
  2. Malcom X quoted from a poem this way: “When I’m born I’m black, when I grow up I’m black, when I’m in the sun I’m black, when I’m sick I’m black, when I die I’m black, and you…when you’re born you’re pink, when you grow up you’re white, when you’re cold you’re blue, when you’re sick you’re green, when you die you’re grey and you dare call me colored.” What color is colored? (A black cow eats green grass and produces white milk.) Support your answer with examples from 2 media sources.

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